Q: Why would a business owner buy long term care insurance,
when the business could buy it for them?

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Yours, with our thanks for answering 2 quick LTC questions.

Cash Value life insurance

What is cash value life insurance?

From the National Association of Insurance Commissioners

Of which, I am not one.  In this justifiably regulated industry, as a matter of best-practice and compliance, I see no need to impress anyone with my own terminology definitions, when we can simply go to the authorities to define those terms for you.

"Cash Value Life Insurance is a type of insurance where the premiums charged are higher at the beginning

than they would be for the same amount of term insurance. The part of the premium that is not used for the

cost of insurance is invested by the company and builds up a cash value that may be used in a variety of ways.

You may borrow against a policy’s cash value by taking a policy loan. If you don’t pay back the loan and the

interest on it, the amount you owe will be subtracted from the benefits when you die, or from the cash value

if you stop paying premiums and take out the remaining cash value. You can also use your cash value to keep

insurance protection for a limited time or to buy a reduced amount without having to pay more premiums.

You also can use the cash value to increase your income in retirement or to help pay for needs such as a child’s

tuition without canceling the policy. However, to build up this cash value, you must pay higher premiums in

the earlier years of the policy.  Cash value life insurance may be one of several types; whole life, universal life

and variable life are all types of cash value insurance."

The 3 Types of Cash Value Life Insurance

1." Whole Life Insurance covers you for as long as you live if your premiums are paid. You generally pay the

same amount in premiums for as long as you live. When you first take out the policy, premiums can be several

times higher than you would pay initially for the same amount of term insurance. But they are smaller than the

premiums you would eventually pay if you were to keep renewing a term policy until your later years.

Some whole life policies let you pay premiums for a shorter period such as 20 years, or until age 65. Premiums

for these policies are higher since the premium payments are made during a shorter period."

2. "Universal Life Insurance is a kind of flexible policy that lets you vary your premium payments. You can

also adjust the face amount of your coverage. Increases may require proof that you qualify for the new death

benefit. The premiums you pay (less expense charges) go into a policy account that earns interest. Charges are

deducted from the account. If your yearly premium payment plus the interest your account earns is less than

the charges, your account value will become lower. If it keeps dropping, eventually your coverage will end. To

prevent that, you may need to start making premium payments, or increase your premium payments, or lower

your death benefits. Even if there is enough in your account to pay the premiums, continuing to pay premiums

yourself means that you build up more cash value."

3. "Variable Life Insurance is a kind of cash value life insurance where the death benefits and cash values depend on the

investment performance of one or more separate accounts, which may be invested in mutual funds or other

investments allowed under the policy. Be sure to get the prospectus from the company when buying this kind

of policy and STUDY IT CAREFULLY. You will have higher death benefits and cash value if the underlying

investments do well. Your benefits and cash value will be lower or may disappear if the investments you chose

didn’t do as well as you expected. You may pay an extra premium for a guaranteed death benefit."

Related Pages

  • Whole Life Insurance

    Whole life insurance can vary in a couple of ways.

  • Life Insurance Quotes

    Life insurance quotes for living too long, dying too soon, or losing income to illness, injury, or economic downturn.

  • What is Term Life Insurance

    What is term life insurance? It's like leasing or renting life insurance for a period of time. At the end of the term you own nothing, but enjoyed the protection while you had it.

Disclaimer Regarding Medicare Advantage Plans 

We are multi-state licensed, and headquartered in Minnesota.  Here, in MN, we represent 7 organizations which offer 45 Medicare Advantage products. You can always contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program for help with plan choices.

Disclaimer Regarding Medicare Supplements 

We are multi-state licensed, and headquartered in Minnesota. we do not offer every Medicare supplement available in Every area. Currently we represent 10 out of 13 organizations which offer Medicare supplements in MN.  Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.

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  • Life Insurance Quotes

    Life insurance quotes for living too long, dying too soon, or losing income to illness, injury, or economic downturn.

  • Life Insurance

    Life insurance as defined by The National Association of Insurance Commissioners

  • What is term life insurance?  It's like leasing or renting life insurance for a period of time.  At the end of the term you own nothing, but enjoyed the protection while you had it.

    What is Term Life Insurance

    What is term life insurance? It's like leasing or renting life insurance for a period of time. At the end of the term you own nothing, but enjoyed the protection while you had it.

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    Whole life insurance can vary in a couple of ways.