probate and How to Estate plan without it

everyone has an estate plan

Article by J L Adamsson
February, 2022

Probate means "to prove."  Estate planning is you planning out how your estate will be managed upon your death.

After you're gone, only two people on the planet can prove that your written estate plan really is your estate plan.  A probate court judge, and the trustee of your revocable living trust.

Creating specific legal documents that spell out for surviving family members how you want your finances, property, medical, and family matters to be managed when you cannot is all great. 

But, it is the revocable trust that will save your family time and money in probate court. They're not just for rich people.  A revocable trust is for anyone who owns something of value and that may not go so uncontested by family members when they are gone.

It is either your plan, or the government's Plan

Without a Revocable Trust it is as if family members don't have the eyesight to read the Last Will and Testament of their deceased family member, if contested.  So, families have to hire someone who does.  And that would be a lawyer.

I recently surveyed the websites of local estate law firms here in the Minneapolis and Saint Paul area of Minnesota.  This is a screenshot I took, and for the record, this was taken in January of 2022.

Probate and how to estate plan without it, for $1995

An attorney-drafted, state-specific, digital estate plan from Estate Plan Documents includes:

  • a revocable living trust (having this funded is the key to avoiding probate)
  • advanced medical directives (otherwise known as a "living will")
  • durable power of attorney for both healthcare and finances
  • last will and testament
  • guardianship for minor and dependent adult children, if need be

how to estate plan for the RestEquity Investor

You are in the right place.  Living counter-culturally requires community, support, encouragement.  We don't have all the answers, even after 3 complete business cycles.  Every sabbatical year has been unique.  Every sabbatical year has been

imperfect.  We don't beat ourselves up when we fail.  Rather, we approach this all as a gift, and with a sense of humor.  The last thing we want to be for us and our kids, or for you and yours, is heavy-handed.  Hey, if you start early enough--

you could get seven tries.  Maybe even eight!  Your estate plan, (everything,) is going to be so much better!

So, back to planning.  Would you like to hear about ours?  What we plan and deliver is called a RestEquity Plan.  And, we use the word "rest" acrostically to organize it.  


R educe healthcare costs by half,
E liminate credit card and student loan debt,
S tart a non-stop-profit with your own business enterprise,
T ell your story to create a legacy of family financial literacy.  How?

Check out Flynancial Times for examples of encouraging stories to inspire your own.

Q: Why would a business owner buy long term care insurance,
when the business could buy it for them?

A Short Course in Long Term Planning book cover

Yours, with our thanks for answering 2 quick LTC questions.

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