a WEEKLY video series for the rest:
small group insurance 

One 3 to 5 minute video sent to you once a week to watch whenever you have the time

Would you like to know what other companies are doing to lower the expense of their healthcare plans, and reduce the cost of their company benefits - while keeping their employees happy?

Small Group Insurance Topics Include:

  • How to lower the cost of insurance with health care savings or re-imbursement accounts
  • How to protect employee 401K accounts from market volatility
  • How telemedicine provisions can improve health care and reduce the cost of insurance 
  • How to offer voluntary benefits through tax exempt payroll deduction

where would you like us to send your videos?

small group insurance

You are in the right place.  Living counter-culturally requires community, support, encouragement.  We don't have all the answers, even after 3 complete business cycles.  Every sabbatical year has been unique.  Every sabbatical year has been

imperfect.  We don't beat ourselves up when we fail.  Rather, we approach this all as a gift, and with a sense of humor.  The last thing we want to be for us and our kids, or for you and yours, is heavy-handed.  Hey, if you start early enough--

you could get seven tries.  Maybe even eight!  

So, back to planning.  Would you like to hear about ours?  What we plan and deliver is called a RestEquity Plan.  And, we use the word "rest" acrostically to organize it.  


R educe Health Care Costs
E liminate Credit Card and Student Loan Debt
S ave for 7 retirements, (maybe 8)
T ransfer the financial risks of living too long, dying too soon, or losing income to illness, injury, or economic downturn.

Download our Financial Picture form, as a first step.  Fill it out completely, save it to your system, then return it securely using our encrypted document transfer at Alliance Life, Accident, and Health.

Q: Why would a business owner buy long term care insurance,
when the business could buy it for them?

A Short Course in Long Term Planning book cover

Yours, with our thanks for answering 2 quick LTC questions.

Disclaimer Regarding Medicare Advantage Plans 

We are multi-state licensed, and headquartered in Minnesota.  Here, in MN, we represent 7 organizations which offer 45 Medicare Advantage products. You can always contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program for help with plan choices.

Disclaimer Regarding Medicare Supplements 

We are multi-state licensed, and headquartered in Minnesota. we do not offer every Medicare supplement available in Every area. Currently we represent 10 out of 13 organizations which offer Medicare supplements in MN.  Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program to get information on all of your options.

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